Planning E-Marketplace Business Model for Vehicle Rent


  • Aqsha Aqsha Information System Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program – Master of Information System Management Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia 11480


Technological advances and the internet are utilized by businesses to run electronic commerce or e-commerce businesses. The increase in Internet users from year to year is very significant, so that the application or migration of business into e-commerce is considered a good opportunity for business people. But the demand of vehicle rental is increasing especially in Bali. However, there have not been many e-marketplace businesses with vehicle rental services as evidenced by the name of e-marketplace vehicle rentals that are still foreign to the ears of the people of Indonesia. This research objective is to analyze and find business target in vehicle rental e-marketplace, create business plan for vehicle rental e-marketplace and create prototype platform for vehicle rental e-marketplace. This research methodology is interview and questionnaires. This research resulting the business model for vehicle rental e-marketplace and prototype platform for vehicle rental e-marketplace.


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How to Cite

Aqsha, A. (2019). Planning E-Marketplace Business Model for Vehicle Rent. Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT), 7(1), 29–38. Retrieved from



Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship