In Malaysia, credit card outstanding balance is in a rise and credit card is used widely as a payment instrument. One of the reasons that contribute to the popularity of credit card is Malaysian consumers possessed a positive attitude towards the facility provided by credit cards. In this research, the researcher intended to study on the critical factors influencing consumer spending by using credit cards. Economics, social and technological factors are identified as the factors influencing consumer spending by using credit cards. Besides, descriptive and explanatory studies are applied in this study. This study is conducted using quantitative method. Primary data will be obtained using survey by distributing questionnaire to credit card holders. Furthermore, probability sampling will be applied for selecting 384 respondents. Pilot test, reliability analysis will be done to ensure the consistency of the data. In addition, the results obtained from respondents will be analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis are used to test hypothesis developed by the researcher. From the result, economic, social and technological factors have significant relationship in influencing consumer spending by using credit cards and technological factor is the most significant factor influencing consumer spending by using credit cards. In future research, the researchers can use the proposed new conceptual framework to carry out the study or add other variables for the study.
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