Patterns Of Sustainopreneurship In Green Technology Ventures: The Conceptual Study


  • Amiruddin Ahamat Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malayisa.


Entrepreneurship, when combined with the innovation for sustainability, is otherwise called ‘sustainopreneurship’. The orientation between mission and cause is the main difference between entrepreneurship and sustainopreneurship. This paper examines how innovative solutions to business sustainability challenges are given by green tech entrepreneurs through applying the effectuation theory. This research aims to develop a pattern for entrepreneurs in green technology ventures by investigating case studies in a few of green tech firms in Malaysia that is more appropriated to the green services and products that can vigorously be grown to uncover and form innovations to accustom sustainable-related issues. In this research, sustainopreneurship was considered as the best concept to be used. There has been a growing number of research and developed interest towards understanding the factors behind green growth over the last few years. From the findings of the research, a sustainopreneurship model is developed that may be used with the effectuation theory to aid the sustainable green technology environment. This study developed a model by looking at the different patterns in companies that adopt green tech in ventures and companies that do not adopt green tech. Then, the research goes further by examining case studies in any firm chosen involved in the green tech sector. The concept of sustainopreneurship for green technology ventures is assumed by the theory of effectuation, in which the aim is practice positive social change through building a better environment within a community.


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How to Cite

Ahamat, A. (2021). Patterns Of Sustainopreneurship In Green Technology Ventures: The Conceptual Study. Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT), 9(1), 25–31. Retrieved from



Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship