
  • Atikah Saadah Selamat Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)


E-commerce has grown and most of the firms rely on e-commerce platform to sell their products through online. However, a significant determinant of the e-commerce viability depend on the electronic service quality as low quality services provided will dissatisfied customer and result in failure of online business. The research study aims to investigate the factors of online retail service quality that contribute to customer satisfaction. E-service quality dimensions was modified from SERVQUAL model and five variables like website design, website personalization, reliability, responsiveness and trust would be measured to examine their influence on customer satisfaction. A total of 390 completed set of questionnaires has been gathered from the online shoppers in Malacca, Malaysia. This study was a descriptive research study and conducted using a quantitative method. Primary data and secondary data used for the data collection. SPSS software is used to analyze questionnaire-based survey data. According to the Pearson Correlation analysis, the result showed that all independent variables have a significant relationship with customer satisfaction. Website design, website personalization, responsiveness and trust acted as the factors of online retail service quality that contribute to customer satisfaction according to hypotheses study but website design has the greatest influence on customer satisfaction. The contribution of the finding is it provides guidelines for the e-retailers in the management of business to improve the business success rate.


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How to Cite

Selamat, A. S., & TAY, Y. Y. (2020). THE IMPACT OF ONLINE RETAIL SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT), 8(1), 32–51. Retrieved from



Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship