An Insight of Customer's Behavior Intention to Use Self-Service Kiosk in Melaka Fast Food Restaurant


  • Susandra Ketimin
  • Nurulizwa abdul rashid Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
  • Samer Shami


Self-service kiosks (SSKs) are mostly implemented and promoted to substitute traditional service encounters, and researchers have investigated the influencers of SSK acceptance. This research aims to determine important perceived variables in the use of self-service kiosks (SSK) to determine Malaysian's intention to conduct SSK. It would also be possible to display this research's results whether the consumer perceived SSK as a supporting role or already becoming a vital role in daily life. This study includes four independent variables: perceived Ease of use, perceived usefulness, need for interaction, and risk to measure the relationship towards behavioral intention on SSK. Secondary data was used for the literature review; the proposed research framework was the result after analyzing information from the literature review contributed by many researchers. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) model was adopted for the study with some modifications. It added more perceived factors that have been proven to be significant to SSK in other researchers' research. Primary data was collected from 150 questionnaire surveys using probability sampling technique – cluster sampling method, through the questionnaire. The findings of this study contribute to business management as well as the government.


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Author Biography

Nurulizwa abdul rashid, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Technology Management


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How to Cite

Ketimin, S. ., rashid, N. abdul, & Shami, S. . (2021). An Insight of Customer’s Behavior Intention to Use Self-Service Kiosk in Melaka Fast Food Restaurant. Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT), 9(1), 13–24. Retrieved from



Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship