
  • Mohammed Hariri Bakri Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka


There is a significant influence does by information technology on retail sector especially in urban areas in Malaysia. In order to boost sales and revenue, Malaysian retailers are implementing advanced IT solutions in their way to operate their business and transactional system. But the technological gap between the traditional retail sector and the modern technological business of retail sector has been occur due to the technology advancement in Malaysia. Many of companies in Malaysia has improve their information system to adapt for the Goods and Service Tax (GST) starts from April, 2015 to enhance their business operation and efficiency. There are still some factors that need to concern before the retailers acquire to purchase a new information technology to their organization. In the interest to know more details about this, this research will focus on the factors influence the retailers’ acceptance towards the adoption of information technology in retail sector in Malaysia. The main objectives of this research to find out the factors of attitude towards the behaviour, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use to test the relationship between the retailers’ acceptance towards the adoption of information technology in their retail business. All of the factors are retrieved from the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This quantitative research has selected 384 of persons engaged in retail sector in Malaysia as the respondents to complete the research and data analysis was done by using SPSS. The result from this study indicates that in overall, respondent agreed that all of the independent variables (attitude towards the behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) are shown important factor that have significance influence to the retailers’ acceptance towards the adoption of information technology in retail sector while the most significance influence factor is subjective norm.


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How to Cite

Bakri, M. H. (2020). THE FACTORS INFLUENCE RETAILERS’ ACCEPTANCE TOWARDS THE ADOPTION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN RETAIL SECTOR IN MALAYSIA. Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT), 8(1), 83–95. Retrieved from



Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship